Copyright/attribution: ©Bristol Museums, Galleries and Archives

Copyright/attribution: ©Bristol Museums, Galleries and Archives

Copyright/attribution: ©Bristol Museums, Galleries and Archives

Copyright/attribution: ©Bristol Museums, Galleries and Archives

Copyright/attribution: ©Bristol Museums, Galleries and Archives

brush washer

Brush-washer, cylindrical, porcelain, decorated in famille verte enamels between three double bands of underglaze blue with ten immortals wafting through landscape.

Unglazed base inscribed in ink with Chinese characters 壬戌年 ?國鑑記 仲冬月.The faded word before 國鑑記 may read 賽, 寶 or 嘉. Possible translation 'The piece was identified and recorded in/by ?國,in the month of mid-winter (the 11th month of the lunisolar calendar) in ren xu year'.

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