Copyright/attribution: ©Bristol Museums, Galleries and Archives

Copyright/attribution: ©Bristol Museums, Galleries and Archives

tureen, sauce, & cover & stand

Lobed oval body of ogee profile on waisted foot; two moulded scrolled-over lug handles, the engaged edges overlaid with moulded crossed and tied laurel branches; cover of conforming shape and ogee profile; stiff leaf ornament above foot and around pinecone knop; stand, lobed oval on ground-down wedge-shaped footrim.
Painted in onglaze coloured enamels (orange-red, pink, yellow, green, blue, purple) and gilding.
Double-ribbon pattern. Gilt dentil rim; blue and purple ribbons entwined around gilt rosettes and over two gilt lines from lower of which depend on each side two complete and two incomplete flower festoons. Rich gilt detailing on stiff leaves, handles and knop; gild oval bead and dot pattern between gilt lines on foot. Stand has eight festoons and a central spray with a yellow-&-purple paeony, pink rose etc.; gilt line above footrim.

Blue ribbon on tureen has misfired, sanding on rim; stand misshapen.

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