Copyright/attribution: ©Bristol Museums, Galleries and Archives

coffee pot & cover

Cream glaze over white body. Baluster shape on convex foot, the bulbous lower part of ogee form, the neck curving out and then in to form rounded shoulder; plain loop handle, engaged curving spout; small solid arcs at join of spout and shoulder, above upper, and above and below lower handle attachments; domed cover with double solid-arc finial.
Painted in coloured enamels - pink, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, brown: around neck a shaded green-wash band below rows of brown-outlined squared rocks with two repeats of a pink and a green scalloped ?bush with blue dots, and a triple-stemmed plant with green leaves and yellow, orange and purple stylised tulips; orange, purple and blue dot-petalled flower-heads to left of tulips; outside of handle painted yellow. Green shaded band around edge of cover.

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