human mummy fragments (human remains)

The mummified body of an adult male. He was known as Horemkensi, and his body was unwrapped in April 1981. At the time of the radiographic examination, there was no plan to unwrap the body; the project developed as a result of the x-ray programme, once the damage to the bandaging of this mummified body was accepted as irreversible.
The radiographs showed a man in his 50's and c.1.7m in height. There is well marked osteoarthritis of the spine. In the feet both metatarsal bones are larger than normal but not diseased, while the other bones of the feet are normal: this may be a familial trait. There is no evidence of disease in any of the bones. The picture of the adbomen is very poor owing to the cavity being filled with some dense material.
Registered as a mummified body but now split into several samples (following the scientific unwrapping in 1981).

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